What is Naginata?
Naginata is the name of both the martial art and the weapon itself. Naginata today is practiced as a sport, emphasizing technique, etiquette, and discipline. See About MNC for more information.

Do I have to be a student to join the club?
Yes.  But please contact us if you wish to join and are not a student at McGill University.

Do I need to know Naginata to join the club?

No.  Come out and see it for the first time, or continue your training with us.  Every level is welcome!

Does Shiai/sparring hurt?
In Naginata, we spend a lot of time working on control. Safety is our first priority. Beginners will not start sparring until we are confident they can strike accurately and with control. Additionally, the armour helps to absorb the shock from a strike. When done properly, Naginata doesn’t hurt and is very safe.

It looks interesting, how do I join?
You can register with the club by showing up to practice or by emailing mcgillnaginata@gmail.com with your full name and student ID.

Where is practice held?
At the McGill Athletics Centre. Check the Schedule for specific times and locations.

What does it cost?

Club membership is $65 per semester and all proceeds go toward renting space, club-sponsored events, new equipment, and maintenance of current equipment.

What should I wear for practice?
Anything you can move in and are comfortable exercising in (no jeans please).  Naginata is done bare footed, so don’t worry about shoes.

Do I need to bring anything to the first class?
Just yourself 🙂

Do I have to be registered to attend the first class?

No. The first practice is free for anyone who wants to explore Naginata. Come by and see if you like it!

What if I miss the first class?
Not a problem. Just email us or check the facebook group for any news you might have missed.

What if I can’t make it to my class this week?

That’s alright, we’re all students so we understand. Just please try not to miss too many as falling behind will slow down practice for everyone.

Where can I buy Naginata/uniform/bogu:

We purchase these once or twice a year as a club. Ask the executives for more information in person or by email.

I would like more information before deciding to join.
Please email mcgillnaginata@gmail.com with your questions.

Hope to see you at practice!

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